English Grammar

1-Correction of Errors      2-Change in narration       3 English Grammar Terms

Parts of Speech :





A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea.as boy, river, friend, Mexico, triangle, day, school, truth, university, idea, John F. Kennedy, movie, aunt, vacation, eye, dream, flag, teacher, class  etc.

Common Nouns
Common nouns refer to common, everyday things.
My cousin went to college.

Proper Nouns
A proper noun refers to specific things that are unique or have names. Proper nouns begin with capital letters.
It is red book.

Concrete Nouns
A concrete noun names something you can experience with at least one of your senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell). Most nouns are concrete nouns.
.Thunder rattled our windows.

Abstract Nouns
An abstract noun names something you cannot experience with your senses. Sometimes abstract nouns are called "idea nouns."
Sandra's courage and curiosity made her a good explorer.
It's important to have respect in a friendship.
Honesty is the best policy.

A pronoun is used in place of a noun or nouns OR pronoun is often defined as a word which can be used instead of a noun. Common pronouns include he, her, him, I, it, me, she, them, they, us, and we. example:
INSTEAD OF:Ali is a good athlete.
He is a good athlete. (The pronoun she replaces Luma.)
Often a pronoun takes the place of a particular noun. This noun is known as the antecedent. A pronoun "refers to," or directs your thoughts toward, its antecedent.
Person is used here as a grammar word and as a case:
1st person or the self (I, me, we),
2nd person or the person spoken to (you),
3rd person or the person spoken about (he, she, him, her, they, them).

Note: that the form you is the same for subject and objectsingular and plural and that there is no neuter singular possessive form.

Subjective Pronouns
A subjective pronoun acts as the subject of a sentence—it performs the action of the verb. The subjective pronouns are he, I, it, she, they, we, and you.
He spends ages looking out the window.
After lunch, she and I went to the planetarium.

Objective Pronouns
An objective pronoun acts as the object of a sentence—it receives the action of the verb. The objective pronouns are her, him, it, me, them, us, and you.
Take a picture of him, not us!

Possessive Pronouns
A possessive pronoun tells you who owns something. The possessive pronouns are hers, his, its, mine, ours, theirs, and yours.
The red basket is mine.

Demonstrative Pronouns
A demonstrative pronoun points out a noun. The demonstrative pronouns are that, these, this, and those.
That is a good idea.
A demonstrative pronoun may look like a demonstrative adjective, but it is used differently in a sentence: it acts as a pronoun, taking the place of a noun.

Interrogative Pronouns
An interrogative pronoun is used in a question. It helps to ask about something. The interrogative pronouns are what, which, who, whom, and compound words ending in "ever," such as whatever, whichever, whoever, and whomever.
Who ate my food?
An interrogative pronoun may look like an interrogative adjective, but it is used differently in a sentence: it acts as a pronoun, taking the place of a noun.

Indefinite Pronouns
An indefinite pronoun refers to an indefinite, or general, person or thing. Indefinite pronouns include all, any, both, each, everyone, few, many, neither, none, nothing, several, some, and somebody.
Something smells good..
An indefinite pronoun may look like an indefinite adjective, but it is used differently in a sentence: it acts as a pronoun, taking the place of a noun.

Relative Pronouns
A relative pronoun introduces a clause, or part of a sentence, that describes a noun. The relative pronouns are that, which, who, and whom.
Ali is a photographer who does great work.

Reflexive Pronouns
A reflexive pronoun refers back to the subject of a sentence. The reflexive pronouns are herself, himself, itself, myself, ourselves, themselves, and yourselves. Each of these words can also act as an intensive pronoun (see below).
I learned a lot about myself at summer camp. (Myself refers back to I.)

Intensive Pronouns
An intensive pronoun emphasizes its antecedent (the noun that comes before it). The intensive pronouns are herself, himself, itself, myself, ourselves, themselves, and yourselves. Each of these words can also act as a reflective pronoun (see above).
I myself don't like eggs.

A verb tells about an action or a state of being. There are three types of verbs: action, linking, and auxiliary.

Action Verbs
An action verb expresses action. It tells what a person or a thing does.
Ali  swim in the river.

Linking Verbs
A linking verb links the subject of the sentence with information about it. Sometimes linking verbs are called "state-of-being verbs."
Ali is tired.
This apple tastes so sweet.
In the first sentence, is links Ali to information about him-the fact that he is tired. That is his state of being.
In the second sentence, tastes links apple to information about it

Auxiliary Verbs
An auxiliary verb goes with another verb. Sometimes auxiliary verbs are called "helping verbs" because they introduce or "help out" the main verb.
Other common auxiliary verbs include can, could, should, would, may, might, and must.

An adverb modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. In this case, "modifies" means "tells more about."  An adverb is usually defined as a word that gives more information about a verb, an adjective or another adverb . Many adverbs end in "-ly."
nicely, quickly, completely, sincerely,
Ali writes quickly and well.

Interrogative Adverbs
An interrogative adverb asks a question. The interrogative adverbs are how, when, where, and why.
How did you get here?
Where are you going next?

Conjunctive Adverbs
A conjunctive adverb joins two ideas. It can give emphasis to one of the ideas, or answer the question "How are they related?" Some common conjunctive adverbs are besides, however, indeed, moreover, nevertheless, otherwise, and therefore.
I am allergic to cats; nevertheless, I love them.
It might rain later; therefore, we should pack our umbrellas.
A semicolon is used before a conjunctive adverb, and a comma is used after it.

An adjective modifies a noun or pronoun. In this case, "modifies" means "tells more about." Adjectives are words that describe things OR An adjective is often defined as a word which describes or gives more information about a noun or pronoun.Adjectives describe nouns in terms of  such qualities as size, color, number, and kind. as beautiful,lazy,big,good,black etc
I planted black  flowers in the round pot.

Possessive Adjectives
A possessive adjective modifies a noun by telling whom it belongs to. It answers the question "Whose?" Possessive adjectives include his, her, its, my, our, their, and your.
You can share my rice.

Demonstrative Adjectives
The demonstrative adjectives that, these, this, those, and what answer the question "Which?"
I'm going to open that present.
Those socks look warm.
A demonstrative adjective may look like a demonstrative pronoun, but it is used differently in the sentence: it is an adjective, used to modify a noun or pronoun.

Interrogative Adjectives
The interrogative adjectives what and which are used in a question. They help to ask about something.
What movie do you want to see?

Indefinite Adjectives
An indefinite adjective gives indefinite, or general, information. Often, it answers the question "How much?" Some common indefinite adjectives are all, any, each, every, few, many, and some.
Many children like dinosaurs.
Did you want some bananas?

conjunction is a word that connects other words or groups of words.

1 Coordinating Conjunctions
A coordinating conjunction is a word that connects two words or two groups of words that are used in the same way—that is, they are the same part of speech or they are grammatically alike. The coordinating conjunctions are and, but, for, nor, or, so, and yet.
and is used to join or add words together in the sentence They ate and drank.
or is used to show choice or possibilities as in the sentence He will be here on Monday or Tuesday.
but is used to show opposite or conflicting ideas as in the sentence She is small but strong.
so is used to show result as in the sentence I was tired so I went to sleep.

2 Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions are always used in pairs. They connect two words or two groups of words that are used in the same way—that is, they are the same part of speech or they are grammatically alike. They include both . . . and;  either . . . or;  neither . . . nor;  not only . . . but;  and whether . . . or.
Both Ali and Saqib are coming to dinner.

Subordinating Conjunctions
A subordinating conjunction is a word that connects two groups of words that are not used in the same way—that is, they are not the same part of speech and they are not grammatically alike. Some common subordinating conjunctions are after, because, before, how, if, since, than, though, until, when, where, while,unless,if and as

Bobby played in the park until it got dark.

An interjection expresses an emotion. It might show excitement or surprise.
Wow! That is a giant pumpkin!
Ouch, you stepped on my toe!
Yippee! We won!
Whoa! Hold your horses!
Bravo, you did a great job!
An interjection often appears at the beginning of a sentence. It is usually followed by an exclamation point or a comma.

A preposition links a noun, pronoun, or phrase to another part of a sentence.OR preposition is a word which shows relationships among other words in the sentence.  The relationships include direction, place, time, cause, manner and amount.
A preposition always goes with a noun or pronoun which is called the object of the preposition.  The preposition is almost always before the noun or pronoun and that is why it is called a preposition.  The preposition and the object of the preposition together are called a prepositional phrase

Prepositions of time:
at two o'clock
on Wednesday
in an hour, in January; in 1992
for a day
Prepositions of place:
at my house
in New York, in my hand
on the table
near the library
across the street
under the bed
between the books

The cat walked across the couch.
The cat leaned against the couch.
The cat strolled along the couch.
The cat sneaked around the couch.
The cat leapt at the couch.
The cat crept behind the couch.
The cat hid below the couch.
The cat scampered beneath the couch.
The cat leaned beside the couch.
The cat tip-toed by the couch.
The cat crawled inside the couch.
The cat strutted near the couch.
The cat jumped off the couch.
The cat marched over the couch.
The cat rambled past the couch.
The cat plodded to the couch.
The cat stalked toward the couch.
The cat wiggled underneath the couch.
The cat settled upon the couch.
The cat snuggled within the couch.
A preposition leads to an object, which is the part of the sentence that receives the action of the verb. The preposition also tells how the object is related to the rest of the sentence.
common prepositions are about, after, among, between, beyond, but, despite, during, for, of, since, through, until, and without.

An article is a kind of adjective which is always used with and gives some information about a noun.  There are only two articles a and the, but they are used very often and are important for using English accurately.
The word a (which becomes an when the next word begins with a vowel - a, e, i, o, u) is called the indefinite article because the noun it goes with is indefinite or general.  The meaning of the article a is similar to the number one, butone is stronger and gives more emphasis.
The word the is known as the definite article and indicates a specific thing.

Now that you have learned all the parts of speech, you can identify the words in a sentence.  This chapter will give you some clues that will make identification easier.
First of all, a word can be more than one part of speech and you have to look at how the word works in a particular sentence to know what part of speech it is.  The chart below shows examples of words that have more than one part of speech.

Part of Speech
readhe read the book.verb
Ali, mangoAli is eating mango.noun
redThis is a red pen.adjective
onlyHe was only joking.adverb
hehe is going to school.pronoun
byhe abides by the time.Preposition
mangoCan you eat mango?noun
EnglishI am reading an English book.adjective

Written  By
Rai Saqib Kharal
cell# 0347-6833732